Monday, November 19, 2007

Kiss Me Deadly

I am not sure whether or not I liked Robert Aldrich's film, Kiss Me Deadly. While Kiss Me Deadly held my attention throughout most of the film, the end really threw me off. I am not a big sci-fi finatic, and I just didn't really understand the glowing box of death, or fire, or spirits, or whatever the heck it was that was in the box. I also didn't really understand the reason for having two different endings, because they seemed too similar to me. I just think that they could've improved the film a lot if they just changed that one aspect. Or if they had introduced the idea of sci-fi earlier in the film, then it may have made a little bit more sense, because it just seemed so out of the blue at the end.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I totally agree with you about the bizarre nature of the ending. I had sort of followed the movie up until then and I expected the box to be filled with money or drugs or an alien or something. Something interesting and exciting and foreboding. Not a nuclear holocuast. It was weird, a little too weird for my taste.