Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane uses diegetic and nondiegetic sounds simultaneously throughout the film. For example, diegetic sounds are used during Kane's celebration with his song. At the point of the celebration his song has an upbeat and major sound, while later on in the film his song has a more minor sound when Kane's accomplishments begin to fall apart. An example of the use of nondiegetic sounds would be montage sequence at the breakfast table scene with Mr. and Mrs. Kane. The beginning of the scene, when they are getting along and happy, the background music is lighthearted and major tones, as the sequence continues, and the conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Kane becomes more distant, the music adjusts to this and becomes darker and almost sinister.


Kari said...

very nicely done caitlin! i am impressed you picked music, makes sense since you love it so much. but still thats a tricky one with a movie like citizen kane, because i didn't really pay attention to the music! haha. tootaloo, your lovely, punkmasta K...hahah oh the good ol' times.

Kate said...

Solid! I reall like your use of the word "sinister." It made me chuckle. And you should make your blog more exciting looking. But lovely little review!

black cat(sam) said...

alright, perfect description of diegetic and nondiegetic sounds...amazing